Sunday, 2 October 2011

Amateurisation - The way forward

I read a viewpoint on the BBC today about the "internet of things".  The author believed that when the "internet of things" comes about it should be more amateur than professional, and included a quote from Clay Shirky that "creating something personal, even of moderate quality, has a different kind of appeal to consuming something made by others, even of high quality".

I couldn't agree more, and I would go as far as saying that imperfect personal items are much more highly valued than high quality impersonal items.

With everything around us becoming more complicated, it is rare that we get the opportunity to truely create something ourselves.  A silent revolution is happening where we are being pushed further and further away from the origins of a product.  In fact, Apple's aim seems to be to make everything so easy to use that no one would want to perform their own modification, which has the unfortunate side effect of removing the sense of satisfaction you get when you hack something together to do what you want.

So bring on the dawn of the "internet of things" and let us once more take control of the word in which we live!